Rachel McAdams channeled her inner Kim Kardashian for the Santa Barbara International Film Festival held on Friday evening. The actress, who is 37 years old, looked stunning in a figure-flattering long white dress and cream-colored stilettos wrapped in ruched chiffon. She topped off the combo with a long pink satin coat, making the whole getup very Kim Kardashian-esque.




30ED8F9800000578-3434630-image-a-162_1454739373593Rachel McAdams and co-star Michael Keaton attend the Santa Barbara International Fim Festival held on February 5, 2016

What do you think of Rachel’s take on Kim K.’s style? Do you think she made the right sartorial choice for the evening? I think she looks fabulous. Would you agree?

Rachel’s patterned frock is from Jonathan Simkhai. If you like what you see, you can grab one for yourself over at Neiman Marcus. The dress retails at $1295.

NMTBYGA_mz-horzJonathan Simhai Sleeveless Bonded Burnout Midi Gown, $1295

I couldn’t find any details on Rachel’s pink satin coat, but her shoes are obviously from Christian Louboutin. They’re the “Follies Draperia” in beige.



christianlouboutin-folliedraperia-1160553_BG4A_1_1200x1200_1444996208Christian Louboutin Follies Draperia Chiffon Pumps, $795

The style comes crafted with shirred chiffon uppers and floral paneling at the heel counters. They also feature pointed toes and 4-inch-tall heels. The Follies Draperia is part of Louboutin’s bridal collection, hence the very delicate and dressy appeal. You can also find the pair in black, for those who want the option.

To steal Rachel’s style, get the pumps and dress, then top off with a long blush pink coat.

$ 795