Michelle Keegan turned heads as she arrived at a TV studio in London on Wednesday. The soap actress was impeccably dressed in a sunny yellow frock that accentuated her gorgeous tan. To keep things extra interesting, she teamed the number with clown-printed platform sandals that were simply adorable. They were not only sexy, but fun and quirky too.


26FC590700000578-3011596-image-a-68_1427313399273-horzMichelle Keegan arrives at a TV studio to make an appearance on Alan Carr’s Chatty Man on March 25, 2015

Wow. What a lovely combination she put together! Would you agree?

Michelle’s yellow dress is from Orla Kiely. If you fancy it, it’s still available for the taking on the label’s website. It’s actually a simple shirtdress with a soft self-fabric belt — just the perfect number to wear this spring and summer.

As for Michelle’s standout sandals, those are from Terry de Havilland. They’re called the “Coco Clown”, a style that features bright clown-printed textile uppers mixed with metallic gold leather, tall chunky heels, and platforms that are about an inch thick. Below is a closer look:

26FC9B1000000578-3011596-New_shoes_The_27_year_old_couldn_t_resist_flaunting_her_footwear-a-69_1427313501311Michelle flaunts her fresh footwear on Instagram

terry de havilland coco clown sandalsTerry de Havilland Coco Clown Sandals, £375

You’re free to score the sandals online if you like them. They retail at about $560 (shipping, duties, and taxes excluded). You may also opt to save money instead by grabbing these printed ALDO platform sandals, which retail at an affordable $90:

aldo trealia printed sandalsALDO Trealia Sandals, $90

OR, if you’re not too keen on the ALDO heels, you may try these exquisitely textured sandals from Schutz instead. The “Erminiana” feature woven textile and jute materials that offer depth and dimension to the shoes. They aren’t as cheap as the ALDO sandals, but dare I say they’re even more beautiful?

schutz erminianaSchutz Erminiana Sandals, $200

$ 560