Maria Sharapova displayed her styling prowess while promoting her Sugapova candy range at Bloomingdale’s in New York on Tuesday. For the occasion, the tall blonde decked herself in white lace and a pair of bow-trimmed pumps. She also complemented the outfit with a braided updo and bangs swept to the side.

No doubt, Maria was dressed to impress. For someone who makes a living playing tennis, you could say she doesn’t look the part. In fact, she looks more like a model than an athlete, what with her pretty face and long slender legs.



2BA9223300000578-0-image-m-23_1440576102450Maria Sharapova promotes her Sugapova candy line at Bloomingdale’s in New York City, August 25, 2015

I can’t say I’m a fan of the structured lace dress she used, but the way she teamed it with playful bow-detailed pumps suited the occasion. After all, Sugapova is a candy line.

What about you, do you approve of the mix she put together? Do you think she wore the right heels to go with that dress?

Between the two (dress and shoes), the pumps deserve more attention. They’re simple, timeless, but fun and interesting. Sadly, I couldn’t find any information on the pair. If you have any clue, do let me know.

While I continue digging for info, allow me to leave you with a couple of bow-detailed pumps just in case you fancy grabbing a similar style. Check out the “splurge vs. save” options below. Are these good enough for your taste or would you rather purchase something else?

roger viviee satin bow d orsay pumpsRoger Vivier Satin Bow D’Orsay Pumps, $1395

3067749-p-4xJ. Renee Kete Bow Detailed Pumps, $110

$ 110