Besides Jenna Dewan Tatum, who sizzled in a skintight red dress, famous faces like Lily Collins and Rosario Dawson were also in attendance at the A-List 15th Anniversary Party held in Los Angeles on Tuesday. Coincidentally (or not), both gals wore Vince Camuto heels with their cocktail outfits. Lily wore her wide-band cuff sandals with a floor-grazing number, while Rosario went the non-traditional route by using her cage heels with a printed jumpsuit and a patchwork clutch. The two celebs looked fantastic in their respective attires, but to make this post a bit more fun, I thought we’d do a showdown.
Who looked like the ultimate fashion star in her Vince Camuto heels at the party, Lily or Rosario? Check out their photos and decide:
Lily Collins wears a printed maxi with Vince Camuto sandals as she attends the A-List 15th Anniversary Party held in Los Angeles on September 1, 2015
Rosario Dawson teams her jumpsuit with cage sandals and a patchwork clutch
Well, ladies, have you cast in your votes? Who wins this round of “Who Wore It Better”, Lily or Rosario? My vote goes to Rosario, what about you?
I Googled their outfits and found out that both Lily and Rosario wore Ella Moss creations for the evening. This confirms my suspicion that the two were most likely styled by the same person with the idea of promoting the labels (Ella Moss and Vince Camuto). By the way, both the dress and the jumpsuit can be purchased online if interested:
Ella Moss Mazatlan Dress, $208.60 (was $280) / Ella Moss Jungle Floral Jumpsuit, $258
I couldn’t find Lily’s Vince Camuto sandals anywhere, but the silhouette of her shoes resemble the “Fancle” below. Unlike Lily’s pair, these sandals feature textured and embellished straps. Personally, I find them more interesting. What about you?
Vince Camuto Fancle Sandals, $119 (was $159)
If you shop for the Fancle today, you can get them for much less because the retailer offering them is having a major clearance. If it’s Rosario’s VC sandals you fancy, feel free to grab ’em online as well. They’re the “Remmie”, a style detailed with multiple horizontal straps and a strong t-bar along the center.
Vince Camuto Remmie Sandals, $70 (was $149)