Kim Kardashian attended the debut of Sofia Coppola’s take on La Traviata in Rome on Sunday. For the occasion, the reality-TV-queen slipped into an extremely low-cut gown that showcased a generous amount of her cleavage. The dress also came with a thigh-high slit on the front to flaunt Kim’s toned legs. She complemented the attire with drop earrings, perfectly applied makeup, and ankle-tie platform heels that you simply could ignore.

To be honest, the footwear choice was unexpected. They were chunky and a little too funky. But did Kim pull off the pairing? You know, I think she did. The white gown was both sexy and elegant. And true, it called for a sleeker and daintier pair of heels — maybe something from Jimmy Choo — but the thick and tall shoes on Kim’s feet gave her look a more modern flavor.




347F679300000578-3603582-Very_highbrow_The_stunning_star_added_some_height_to_her_petite_-a-16_1463946443496-horzKim Kardashian and Kanye West attend the premiere of La Traviata in Rome on May 22, 2016


Kim’s dress and heels are from Vivienne Westwood. The shoes, in particular, are from the designer’s spring 2014 collection. They feature ankle ties fashioned with “leaf” tassels. They come in gold and sit on thick platforms, as well as chunky flared heels. Here they are up close:

vivienne-westwood-gold-shoes-pfw-ss14-imaxtree_GAVivienne Westwood Spring 2014 Platform Sandals

Can you appreciate? Do you think they complement her gown or would you rather rock the pair with a floral frock instead?

The sandals are no longer available, but if you want to channel Kim’s unconventional style here, what you can do is get some chunky platform sandals and work it with a gown. My suggestion would be these cute bow-detailed heels from Saint Laurent. The nude color is perfect for a white floor-grazing frock. Would you agree?

NMX31KW_azSaint Laurent Candy Leather Platform Sandals, $895

$ 895