Kendall has always been the most elegant dresser among the Kardashian-Jenner siblings. On Wednesday evening, however, the model did the unexpected by stepping out in a pair of sheer trousers as she enjoyed an intimate dinner with Balmain’s Olivier Rousteing and BFF Gigi Hadid. The piece showcased her bare derriere. She had a bit of underwear on, but it was a thong so it didn’t cover much.
Complementing the translucent bottom was a crop halter top detailed with mesh and a pair of strappy high heels. I guess the “naked” trend finally rubbed off on the brunette beauty. I can’t say I’m happy with this recent development, though.
Kendall Jenner steps out for a dinner date with Olivier Rousteing and Gigi Hadid in Paris on September 30, 2015
What do you think of Kendall’s outfit? Did she pull it off, or did she just make herself look cheap and tacky?
Personally, I would have preferred granny panties with the thing, but then again, maybe she wanted to take risks. What about you, how would you wear Kendall’s pants if you had ’em?
The top and trousers are from Balmain’s Spring 2016 collection. I couldn’t find any information on her lace-up heels, but considering where she got the top and pants, I’d say they’re probably from Balmain as well.
Of course, I could be wrong and they could be from another high-fashion label like Jimmy Choo. In fact, here’s a similar one in gold:
Jimmy Choo Myrtle Lace Up Sandals, $995
If you fancy the silhouette, but budget is an issue for you, try these lace-up sandals from Joie instead. They actually feature almost the same silhouette as Kendall’s heels, but without the designer price tag. They’re not cheap at $330, but at least they’re more accessible.
Joie Quinn Lace-Up Sandals, $330