Kate Upton turned more than a few heads at the Harper’s Bazaar Icons event held in New York City on Wednesday. The Sports Illustrated model wore an extremely low-cut figure-hugging dress that showcased her famous cleavage. I’m guessing she was trying to channel Brigitte Bardot for the occasion because even her hair was also styled after the screen siren’s signature big waves.

Kate barely wore any jewelry save for a pair of diamond earrings, which was just as well because her, er, bosom, was enough to create a statement. She then complemented the frock with one-of-a-kind black t-strap pumps. The whole outfit was no doubt sexy, but I can’t say it was her best.



2C67C02E00000578-3238023-image-m-121_1442472457104Kate Upton attends the Harper’s Bazaar Icons event held in New York on September 16, 2015

How do you like Kate’s latest red carpet choice, do you approve?

The asymmetrical dress is from Stella McCartney. If you like it, you can grab it online. It retails at a good $4000, so buying it will be no joke.

608299_fr_xl-horzStella McCartney Reily Cutaway Dress, $3995

As for Kate’s t-strap pumps, I had trouble finding the pair online, even after weeding through almost a thousand styles. If you like the silhouette, allow me to show you these designer alternatives instead. These don’t come with the thin gold t-bars, but the pointed toes and wide straps at the ankles are there:

altuzarra sika pumpsAltuzarra Sika Ankle Cuff Pumps, $865

manolo blahnik chantastaManolo Blahnik Chantasta Pumps, $775

$ 775