Kaley Cuouco probably wanted to show former husband, Ryan Sweeting, what he was missing when she attended the Fallout 4 video game launch party in Los Angeles on Thursday. The Big Bang Theory actress arrived at the event in a pair of skimpy shorts that showcased her toned legs. Complementing the shorts were a white halter top, a metallic clutch from Jimmy Choo (sold out), and some strappy ankle-wrap pumps.
Later in the evening, Kaley probably felt the need to cover up because she soon slipped into a long black-and-white coat. I can’t say I liked the outfit she chose for the occasion, but she did look sexy, though in a not-so-elegant way.
Kaley Cuouco attends the Fallout 4 game launch party held in Los Angeles on November 5, 2015
What are your thoughts on Kaley’s outfit choice for the evening, do you approve? I mean, it was a video game launch, so I guess wearing shorts was alright. Yes?
I believe in the principle of balance and proportion, and personally speaking, I think she should have worn a more conservative top, like a simple long-sleeved sweater.
With that said, I do find the footwear choice on point. Kaley’s pumps look fierce and fresh. They’re like nothing I’ve seen before.
No details have been released on the shoes yet, and while I did search for them online, I had no luck either, so I can’t really give you anything.
On a side note, if you fancy the silhouette, I found these alternatives from Steve Madden and Schutz. Both don’t come with block heels, and they don’t have buckled heel counters either, but I think they’re just as fierce as Kaley’s pumps. To steal Kaley’s style, just wear the shoes with skimpy shorts and a white top, then top off with a long black coat:
Steve Madden Klassssy Pumps, $120
Schutz Kelins Pumps, $220