Jennifer Lopez wowed onlookers while filming American Idol’s “Hollywood Week” in Los Angeles over the weekend. The multi-media star was decked in a super short ensemble consisting of a printed top worn over a patterned metallic mini skirt. Not content with the busy outfit, the mom-of-two teamed the combination with a metallic purse and pair of glittered pumps detailed with spikes at the cap toes. It was an unexpected combination, though I must admit, a really attractive one at that.
Jennifer Lopez films scenes for the American Idol: Hollywood Week episode in Los Angeles on October 26, 2014
How do you like JLo’s outfit this time? Far better than the one she wore for the “We Can Survive” concert, I assume?
It’s a one-of-a-kind pairing, that much I can say. There’s a whole lot of print and pattern play going on in her attire — shoes included — but surprisingly, it doesn’t look bad. Would you wear her outfit?
I would. I love the shoes she used to seal the deal. I mean, who wouldn’t fancy those pretty pointy stilettos?
JLo’s pumps are the “Geo Glitter Floque”, a style from Christian Louboutin that features spikes on the cap toes and glittered uppers that follow a lattice-like pattern.
Christian Louboutin Geo Glitter Floque Pumps, sold out
These shoes are sold out online, but you can try similar style heels from the designer below. Both feature spikes, while the first pair — the “Pina Spike” — actually come in the same glittered uppers as JLo’s Geo pumps:
Christian Louboutin Pina Spike Flocked Ankle Strap Sandals, $1045
Christian Louboutin Malabar Hill Spiked Pumps, $1095