Admit it, not all the celebrities we’re looking up to have more than just the physical features.

Emmy Rossum is not just your average celebrity with a pretty face. And yes, she’s more than that!

The 27-year-old actress is actually an epitome of beauty and brains as she is not only book smart, but she’d also completed her studies online at Stanford University’s Education Program for Gifted Youth.

Emmy actually already had her first semester of study at Columbia University but she wasn’t able to finish it because she got the role in Mystic River and The Day After Tomorrow. She was in the middle of her French finals when she got a text message from her agent telling her that she got the roles for the aforementioned movies on the same day!

But the fame and prestige of the celebrity world didn’t stop Emmy from seeking knowledge away from the limelight. She still remained as the book lover that she is. In fact, she even embarked on a Rosetta Stone French refresher course just recently.


Indeed, Emmy is really just beyond the pretty face. When she’s not busy with the shoots and other engagements, Emmy likes visiting bookstores. Her laid -back outfit while holding a book on  one hand looked so perfectly fine.

Emmy Rossum reads while getting her nails done

I love how the blouse and the skirt looked perfectly in unison with her white sandals.

Do you have that pretty skirt to match this fab sandals? Then maybe you can get this cute pair at Yosi Samra:)





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