Bella Hadid showcased her curves in pink lingerie complete with bunny ears for the photo shoot of LOVE Magazine’s 2016 Calender on Thursday. The young model shared a photo from the session, and as expected, it made headlines. Bella looked undeniably sexy in the ensemble, but what I couldn’t help but notice were the fancy nude t-strap sandals on her feet. The shoes intrigued me, so I had to take a closer look. They featured a t-strap silhouette and came detailed with double ankle-wrap straps. Check out Bella’s photo below, then tell me if you can ID the pair:
Bella Hadid shares a photo of herself decked in lingerie while doing a shoot for LOVE Magazine’s 2o16 calendar, November 26, 2015
FLEUR DU MAL X Playboy bunny ears $325.00
Well, any ideas?
I’m thinking Giuseppe Zanotti or Jimmy Choo, but I could be wrong, of course. I couldn’t find them online, so I looked for similar styles instead. Check out these designer options from Gianvito Rossi and Brian Atwood:
Gianvito Rossi Lucite Heel Sandals, $1125
Brian Atwood Avice Embellished Satin T-Strap Sandals, $1295
Beauty comes at a price, and for these babies, that would be over a thousand dollars — which is a ridiculous amount of money to spend on shoes. For the gals on a budget like me, these Chinese Laundry t-strap heels will do the trick instead. They come in nude-pink color, so they’re flattering to the legs. You can wear ’em with almost anything, and they cost an easy $70:
Chinese Laundry Leo Sandals, $70