Ashley Benson amped up her sexiness at the Reem Acra show held during New York Fashion Week on Monday. The Pretty Little Liars star slipped into a champagne hued frock detailed with a beaded waistband and an extremely low-cut neckline. She capped off the attire with nothing but a whispy “lob” and a pair of nude pointy stilettos that flattered her legs.
Ashley Benson attends the Reem Acra presentation during New York Fashion Week, February 16, 2015
Doesn’t she look amazing in these photos?
I guess if I had to nitpick, I’d say she should have worn a dressier pair of heels (in satin, glitter, or suede) instead of classic nude pumps made of patent leather. Would you agree?
As for the dress, the neckline is extremely deep, but I think it actually suits her. I also like the fact that she still looks elegant even though the frock is daring.
Ashley’s dress is from Reem Acra, but I don’t know where she scored her shoes. Personally, I would have picked any of these strappy sandals to go with her dress. What about you, what kind of shoes would you make her wear?
Stuart Weitzman Nudist in Platinum Glitter, $398
Carvela Kurt Geiger Gosh Strappy Sandals, $225