Kourtney Kardashian stepped out in a rather fashion-forward ensemble on Wednesday. The mother-of-three decked herself in a sheer long-sleeved top and leather pants, and then unexpectedly finished the combo with a pair of really unusual strappy booties. Topping off the whole mix was a striped fur coat in black, white, and nude.
I can’t say it was her best fashion moment ever, but I can’t deny the fact that Kourt managed to pull off the outfit with attitude.
Kourtney Kardashian and Kylie Jenner step out to enjoy New York City before the start of New York Fashion Week, where Kanye West will showcase his next collection, February 10, 2016
What are your thoughts on Kourtney’s attire? Is it something you’d wear?
I’m assuming the top is a piece from Kanye’s collection. I mean, check out this photo of the whole clan looking like they’re off to winter wonderland.
Lamar Odom joins the Kardashian-Jenner clan for Kanye West’s presentation during New York Fashion Week, February 11, 2016
Then again, I could be wrong. After all, Kourt’s fur coat isn’t from Yeezy, but from Pam and Gela. Her jeans are from Montaigne Market, and the purse is reportedly from Celine.
Pam and Gela Colorblock Mongolian Fur Jacket, $1850 / Unravel Stretch Leather Pants, $2098
And as for Kourtney’s odd-looking boots, they’re from Tom Ford. Here they are up close for you. I was lucky enough to find them over at Neiman Marcus. They feature leather lace-up closures, strappy vamps, a suede base underneath, and patent leather cap toes.
Tom Ford Lace-Up Leather Boots, $2170
They’re quite an interesting pair, don’t you think?
I see vintage elements reminiscent of the Victorian era, yet not quite. I find them a little too much for my taste. But I do like the cylindrical heels. Do you think you can wear Kourtney’s shoes?