Rita Ora suffered a the infamous nip-slip on Saturday evening. The X Factor judge was decked in a low-cut flowy dress while partying over the weekend, and somehow, as she made her out of the venue, the unthinkable happened.
Of course, with Rita being, well, Rita, it was all no biggie. I mean, the frock was quite sheer as well. You could practically see her underwear through it, so I guess in a way, she was asking for the attention. She complemented the number with sleek-straight hair extensions and a pair of chunky sky-high platform sandals.
Rita Ora suffers a nip slip as she exits the party in London on December 5, 2015
What do you think of Rita’s latest “look”? And by that I mean the long straight hair included. Do you think she looks prettier with long blond tresses?
I must admit, the hair suits her. And it even suits her boho-inspired dress, which by the way, reminds me of the green floral Cavalli number JLo wore years ago. The piece is from Versace’s fall 2015 collection, and if I’m not mistaken, so are her platform sandals. They’re not available online, but you might want to consider these other platform styles from Versace instead:
Versace Medallion Platform Sandals, $506 (was $1125)
Versace Buckled Platform Sandals, $1170 (was $2925)