Millie Mackintosh attended the Cointreau launch party for Lilah Parsons’ new Yumi collection in London on Tuesday. For the occasion, the TV personality wore an all-black ensemble in a multitude of textures. She slipped into a lace-trimmed open-front long dress that showcased her slender legs, and then capped off the number with a fur-trimmed jacket fashioned with fringed sleeves. And as if she was not content with all the details, Millie punctuated the mix with lace-up sandals.
Sure, it was a black outfit, but it was far from boring as she played with a whole lot of elements to keep it dramatic. Question is, did Millie pull it off or did she simply over decorate herself. You be the judge…
Millie Mackintosh attends a fashion party in London on December 1, 2015
Well, ladies. What’s the verdict? Did Millie over decorate or did she pull off the outfit with flying colors? I think she looks fantastic. Yes?
Sure, there’s a lot going on in the outfit, but thankfully, it’s black so it doesn’t look overdone. Would you agree?
If you fancy Millie’s dress, you can find it at ASOS. It’s one of her own designs. The piece retails at an accessible $171 so no need to worry about not being able to afford it.
Millie Mackintosh Button Through Maxi Dress, $171
I couldn’t find any details on Millie’s fancy lace-up heels, but fret not because I chanced upon these three affordable alternatives you can consider just in case you’re toying with the idea of stealing her look from head to toe.
ALDO Lace Up Sandals, $98 (was $140)