Olivia Palermo wore something unexpected last Friday. The socialite, who was off to spend her day in East Hampton, slipped into a revealing white jumpsuit while boarding a helicopter in New York City. She complemented the number with a white belt, plaited hairstyle, oversized eyewear, and some fine jewelry.
If you’re an Olivia fan, then you’d know that the outfit was a deviation from her usual. It was neither layered nor mixed. In fact, it was the opposite — clean, understated, sexy, though still quite elegant.
To make up for the lack of excitement in the playsuit, Olivia teamed it with fabulous footwear — and thank goodness she did! A pair of statement-making fur-trimmed leopard-print sandals pulled the whole outfit together.
Olivia Palermo heads into a helicopter in New York City to fly to East Hampton, July 24, 2015
How do you like the outfit? Do you think Ms. OP nailed this one?
I say most definitely. To be honest, I think the shoes did the trick. They added just the right amount of flair to her attire.
The sandals are a little hard to figure out from the pics, but allow me to give you a closer look. Olivia’s fancy heels are from Francesco Russo. They’re crafted from a mix of leather and hair-calf materials, and feature fur trimming across the heel cups. The sandals also come with 4-inch-tall heels and very slim ankle straps.
Francesco Russo Leopard Print Calf Hair Sandals, $1195
Fancy them?
They’re the kind of shoes you can rely if you’re looking to elevate your style. Slip into a pair and bam! Instant fabulousity. If you want Olivia’s shoes, you can grab ’em online. They retail at $1195.