Jessica Alba was the epitome of effortless cool as she hit the TOMS for Target launch party held in Culver City a few weeks ago. For the occasion, the actress decked herself in shades of white and gray. Her outfit included gray skinny jeans worn with a white tee and a long gray cardigan. She also finished the outfit with a clutch from TOMS for Target and a pair of light gray wedge booties. Altogether it was a very casual getup, but she still looked fantastic.
Jessica Alba covers up in shades of white and gray for the TOMS for Target launch held in Culver City on November 12, 2014
What’s great about Jessica’s outfit here is that you can easily recreate it yourself. Jessica’s jeans can be found online. They’re from Anine Bing, and they’re currently on sale at $159 (was $199).
Anine Bing Double Zip Skinny Jeans, $159 (was $199)
Mix the jeans with a white t-shirt then top with a long gray cardigan. As for Jessica’s light gray wedge boots, I couldn’t find any details on the pair, but feel free to try out the following wedge booties to complete the look:
TOMS Desert Wedge High Booties, $74 (was $98)
Tommy Bahama Kaja Booties, $158