Jessica Alba was in Seoul, South Korea on Tuesday. The celebrity mom showcased her fashion prowess in a floral crop top and high-waist tea-length leather skirt as she attended the Metro City fashion show in Dongdaemun Design Plaza. Jess complemented her getup with an edgy updo, a chain-strap mini bag, and a pair of mesh anke-strap sandals. The look was simple but chic — just what you’d expect from the style star.
Jessica Alba attends the Metro City fashion show in Seoul, South Korea, on October 21, 2014
How do you like Jessica Alba’s take on the leather midi skirt, hit or miss?
I think she looks fantastic. I love how she played with textures, mixing frilly elements with sleek leather and mesh. Quite an interesting concoction. Would you agree?
I’ve yet to get the official details on Jessica’s whole outfit, but her mesh sandals look a lot like the “Rae” from Diane von Furstenberg. The sandals feature sheer mesh uppers done in a simple ankle-strap silhouette, and 4-inch-tall self covered heels. They’re simple but sexy, just like Jess:
Diane von Furstenberg Rae Mesh Sandals, $398
You can easily find the Rae sandals online. They retail at $398. If you’re on a budget, what I can recommend are these $79 alternatives from Caparros. Don’t expect designer quality, but they’ll give you the look for much less:
Caparros Nicolette Sandals $79