Naomie Harris looked chic and classy as she attended the launch of La Maison Remy Martin Members Club in London on Monday. The actress slipped into a color-coordinated attire of pantsuit teamed with a printed clutch and strappy heels. Naomie’s matching separates, which were black and trimmed with bright orange-red panels at the hem, complemented her catchy purse beautifully. I also like how she kept her shoes classic but flirty by opting for a pair with slim criss-cross straps and pointy toes:
Naomie Harris looks chic and classy as she attends a Remy Martin event in London on November 24, 2014
Do you approve of the getup?
Obviously, I’m a fan. Naomie’s suit and clutch are from Alexander McQueen. I’ve included a purse from McQueen below with a similar color combination for your reference.
Alexander McQueen Small De Manta Floral Print Clutch, $495
As for Naomie’s, the pair is from Bionda Castana. Dubbed as “Nicole”, the shoes feature a d’Orsay silhouette, pointed toes, slim tube-like straps that wrap around the ankles, and 3-inch-tall heels. I couldn’t find them online, but a similar style done in lace can be had through the Bionda Castana website.
Bionda Castana Nicole Lace Pumps, $745
For the gals on a budget looking to steal Naomie’s style for less, you can do so using any of the following strappy pumps from below. These are both affordable and just as sexy as her shoes:
GUESS Adabellely Lace Pumps, $120
Topshop by CJG Up All Night Pumps, $200
Ivanka Trump Tellas Pumps, $135