Adam Levine’s supermodel wife, Behati Prinsloo, suffered a nip-slip during the Vanity Fair Oscars After-Party on Sunday. But unlike other female celebrities who usually get embarrassed or make a fuss over it, this one simply laughed off her mishap — which, in my opinion, helped in making people at the event realize it was really no biggie.
Behati wore a nude-colored halter gown by Calvin Klein for the occasion. She complemented the dress with natural-looking makeup, a neat updo, and a pair of satin gold t-strap sandals. The look was all classic and understated elegance sprinkled with a bit of sex appeal — something that was fitting for the occasion.
Behati Prinsloo suffers a nip-slip as she arrives at the Vanity Fair Oscars After-Party on February 22, 2015
How do you like Behati’s Oscars after-party outfit? Do you prefer it over the one she wore on the red carpet?
I can’t decide because I like both. But in terms of beauty look, I think I like the more natural-looking makeup versus the red-lip style she wore to the Oscar Awards. What about you?
Behati and Adam attend the 2015 Oscar Awards held in Los Angeles on February 22, 2015
Now on to Behati’s satin t-strap sandals, I had trouble locating the pair online. Whether they’re from Calvin Klein, Manolo Blahnik, Jimmy Choo, or Prada, I really don’t know. But what I do know is that you can get the same t-strap look from cheaper labels that won’t break your budget. Here’s a great alternative from Via Spiga. Pair with a nude slip dress to steal Behati’s style.
Via Spiga Timone Sandals, $295