We say cool because the shoes she had on are Louboutins in mint. The shoes certainly provided a nice contrast to her dress’ hot hue.

This was her outfit when she stepped out of her hotel in Paris, France. The actress rocked two different outfits that day. The singer really does love playing dress-up. Must be swell to have a career that allows you to play with you looks. Especially if the look you want to pull off is the pants-less look:


It seems celebrities are into wearing button-down tops as dresses, ditching their pants and exposing their sexy legs in the process.

The look, while  not appropriate for all places and all people, works just fine on celebrities. But it’s not our favorite look on Rita Ora.

If you want to copy Rita’s loo, go ahead.

Because Christian Loboutin pumps are notoriously expensive (worth every penny, though), we decided to feature an inexpensive brand instead:


The Chinese Laundry Danger Zone pumps also come with pointed pumps but they have an additional feature: metal tips.