Olivia Attwood is a former contestant of the show Love Island. Love Island involves a group of contestants, referred to as Islanders, living in isolation from the outside world in a villa in Mallorca, constantly under video surveillance. To survive in the villa the Islanders must be coupled up with another Islander, whether it be for love, friendship or money, as the overall winning couple receives £50,000. On the first day, the Islanders couple up for the first time based on first impressions, but over the duration of the series they are forced to “re-couple” where they can choose to remain in their current couple or swap and change.

Despite rumors that they split Olivia,26, and boyfriend Chris,24, show that they are one of the strongest pairs in this year’s season, deciding to move in together. The star revealed that Chris was staying at her parents’ house since the end of the series in July and that stopped being convenient. She also declared that they are in love now more than ever.

For her InStyle press day ,Olivia wasn’t afraid to show some legs. She wore an one piece jumper who stops at her thigh to give the effect of longer legs. The palm leaves all over it made it look really summery yet chic.





The nude sandals from the “Olivia loves” completed her summery look and the studs on them gave an edge to the whole combination. You can purchase them from the InStyle site, the one that supports Olivia through her new found career.