Lindsay Lohan has made her first public appearance since her alleged meltdown at the prestigious Art Basel event in Miami, Florida during the first week of December. According to reports published online, the actress threw tantrums and displayed erratic behavior at every gathering she attended during the 4-day art event.

Last Friday, the Liz & Dick actress attended the Z100 ball and made a declaration through her oversized top. The shirt had the words “same old chic” in big, bold, sequined letters. It was a bold statement that she’s the same old Lindsay Lohan that made waves when she started acting. It was also a statement regarding her fashion sense– she thinks she’s hot property when it comes to her fashion choices.

Look at her outfit last Friday:Lindsay-Lohan-Z100-Jingle-Ball

Does Lindsay Lohan still look chic to you?

If you think she does and you want to copy her look, you can wear an oversized shirt with tiny shorts and knee-high boots:



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