Leave it to a good pair of heels to work its magic. That’s according to Dakota Fanning, who was recently spotted dressing up her rather casual attire of slouchy boyfriend jeans and loose tank top with glittery yellow peep toe pumps from Miu Miu. The outfit was practically colorless and ordinary, but her choice of footwear made a huge difference. The shoes did wonders, and not surprisingly, she came out looking chic — never mind that her hair was in a mess.
Dakota Fanning enjoys a day out in New York City on Tuesday while decked in slouchy jeans and a pair of glittery heels, August 19, 2014
I can’t say I’m down with the just-rolled-out-of-bed hair, but I do love the rest of her look. It’s a simple pairing but the heels really glammed up the attire.
Dakota’s yellow Miu Miu peep-toe pumps belong to an off-season collection so it was difficult to find them online. However, I did come across the orange variant, which is a good enough point of reference:
Miu Miu Glitter Peep Toe Suede Pumps, sold out
Such a pretty looking pair of shoes, noh? Would you like to take a cue from Dakota and sport fancy yellow high heels with your slouchy boyfriend jeans and loose white tank?
I don’t see the reason why you shouldn’t give it a try. It’s a great look to wear for summer. The trick is to make sure you pick the right pair of shoes. Go with something ladylike and glam to offset the boyish pants, such as the iridescent slingbacks and floral wedges from Kate Spade below:
Kate Spade Charm Slingback Pumps, $325
Kate Spade Iberis Wedge Sandals, $328
Once you have the shoes in order, simply pair them with the perfect boyfriend jeans you can find, and a loose white tank top that flatters your frame. Cap off the mix with a tan tote and you’re all set!