Jessica Alba made an appearance at the Microsoft VIP Lounge during the 2014 Comic-Con festivities yesterday. For occasion, the actress didn’t just up her style game. She took on some huge fashion risks by sporting a sexy crop top from (Tanya Taylor) with a tea-length printed and sheer paneled skirt (from Zimmerman), then punctuating the combo with an equally busy pair of strappy sandals that were embellished to the hilt. The mix showed off her toned and taut tummy, but I can’t say it was one of her best looks because the combination wasn’t that flattering.
Jessica Alba shows off her toned tummy and gorgeously tanned skin at the Microsoft VIP Lounge during the 2014 Comic-Con International held in San Diego, California, on July 26, 2014
Do you approve of Jessica’s outfit?
It’s very festive, that much I can say. The Zimmerman skirt is quite pretty, but her shoes are the ones that really stand out. It’s just too bad that the combination (skirt + heels) made her legs look a tad short. Nevertheless, Jessica was able to pull off the attire well enough. Would you agree?
For the ladies who wish to know, Jessica’s sandals are from Kotur. They’re called the “Guzel”, and they feature a cocktail of materials like snakeskin, suede, and vachetta leather decorated with embellishments like whipstitch details, embroidery, mirror discs, and tassels. They’re quite exotic, and were in fact, designed with Turkish footwear as inspiration. Also, the heels on these shoes are about 4 inches tall so they’ll give you a decent lift. Below is a closer look at the sandals for you done in chocolate (as seen on Jessica) and nude:
Kotur Guzel Sandals in Chocolate, $650
Kotur Guzel Sandals in Nude, $650
Do you like what you see?
They what you’d call statement-making footwear, that much I can say. All you need to rock a pair is a simple outfit, nothing more. Of course, Jessica probably wanted all eyes to be on her, so she decided to mix the shoes with a skirt that was just as ornate.
If you want Jessica’s sandals, you can score them online via the Kotur website. They retail at $650 a pair. Yes, they’re quite pricey, but that’s to be expected considering the brand and the exotic materials used.
If you want something just as adventurous, but not as financially demanding, you can try these mixed-media tasseled sandals from Betsey Johnson instead. They feature leather uppers with animal-print accents, 4.25-inch-tall heels, and tasseled zipper pulls at the closures on the back:
Betsey Johnson Ffierce Sandals, $105 (was $130)